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Charting New Waters

In the business world, especially with startups, we hear the term “Blue Ocean” which was coined back in 2005 by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne with their book “Blue Ocean Strategy.” The gist of it is that it’s usually better to innovate and focus on creating new market spaces instead of adding to the intense competition found in existing markets (or in other words, a Red Ocean filled with blood from all the cutthroat tactics).

This has been our goal with Paint By Motors: to create something that doesn’t exist yet – a mixed reality ecosystem that cultivates human creativity and interconnection. This sounds great, but then we’re faced with the question of whether the Ocean is Blue because it’s filled with opportunity, or if it’s simply empty. I would say let’s buy a sonar fish finder, but then we’d be taking this analogy far too far.

In discussing Paint By Motors with business development experts, we learned that investors get very concerned when you tell them that you don’t know of any competing businesses. This is because, if there are no businesses making money doing what you propose, there’s probably a good reason for that. But is this what’s going on in our case?

There are actually a couple of businesses that have come up that have a lot in common with our vision. Painting With a Twist is a great company that provides people with the opportunity to be creative while also socializing in a structured setting. Clawee is a fun online game where one controls a real live Claw game machine by watching a video stream through their app. So this tells us that there are indeed markets for social, creative entertainment as well as physical gaming through a mobile/digital platform, but nobody else has built a remote painting platform. In other words, Paint By Motors is like the online version of Painting With a Twist, or a sort of Etch-a-Sketch version of Clawee.

Sounds pretty exciting? We certainly think so. In this age of AI and automation, there are tons of opportunities. As we continue to develop Paint By Motors, we remain committed to sailing in the Blue Ocean, creating a unique space that blends creativity with technology. While the unknown can be daunting, it’s this very uncertainty that fuels our innovation and passion. We believe that by navigating these uncharted waters, we’re not just finding opportunities but creating them.

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