A collection of pieces cataloging the alpha testing phase of ERAS
“thatawkwardmomentwhencheesecakehitsyourspacewindshield” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. A sibling piece to the galaxy, this was achieved by cycling colors while repeating the same motif and then tilting the canvas. Floating through the void… one always encounters cheesecake at the most unexpected time. “idreamofrobotsss” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. idreamofrobotsss and youdreamofrobotsss were both done after major code upgrades to test improved functionality, which ultimately allowed for the playful liveliness of these pieces. They also include more experimenting with pre and post-processing of the pieces using brushes. But really, who doesn’t dream of robotsss? “youdreamofrobotsss” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. idreamofrobotsss and youdreamofrobotsss were both done after major code upgrades to test improved functionality, which ultimately allowed for the playful liveliness of these pieces. They also include more experimenting with pre and post-processing of the pieces using brushes. But really, who doesn’t dream of robotsss? “whenindoubtspatula” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. AFTER-Sometimes SIE likes to be very uncooperative and the piece doesn’t come out as intended. This actually inspired me to pick up a spatula and get into post-processing. The layers within the poured parts come out really nicely when spatulated! “inneedofssspatula” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. BEFORE-Sometimes SIE likes to be very uncooperative and the piece doesn’t come out as intended. This actually inspired me to pick up a spatula and get into post-processing. The layers within the poured parts come out really nicely when spatulated! “nodoubtspatula” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. Turns out spatulas are really fun to play with and this is one piece where I knew I wanted to post-process it beforehand. It delights my eyes as they travel all over the waviness and gradients. “typicaldayinkanada” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. One can’t throw a maple leaf without hitting a few moose. But what does the moose see? This. This is what it sees. Finally we can begin to comprehend each other and bring about peace between our species. “doengineershavefeelings” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. I don’t care which side of the shave or noshave debate you lie. The engineer must be allowed to make this decision on their own. Would you trust a bridge built by someone who grew out their mustache due to social pressure? “Birthofagalaxy” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. A collaborative piece where a physicist chose the palette and directed the process. It was done by repeating the same octopus-like motif 6 times, with some rotation, and then tilting to achieve wonderfully flowing waves. Is this how matter was created????? “firstintercontinentalpour” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. It was so exciting to watch this piece being created before my eyes by someone controlling the SIE from a different continent. One of my major goals for this project was to open it up to people all over the world and it often seemed beyond my capabilities. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to help me realize this dream! “wewerepromisedconfetti” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. This was originally a canvas used for debugging code, but ended up being the first one to receive input from a user over the web, from a different continent! The chaotic distribution of colors and gestures embody all of the different energies that were involved in its creation, reflecting the multiple cultures of its creators. “ssseacritters” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. Warning, PG image. Weird things happen underwater. Beyond the reckoning of y’all landlubbers, under the sea, creatures dance their seductive dances. “rectanglesarealsoathing” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. The result of a demo and some beta testing. It’s always amazing to see what other people will do with the SIE. It never once occurred to me to make rectangular motifs, but of course this is a great idea with fluid art. Next stop, triangles. “ilostmyhearttodarthmaul” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. It happens to the best of us. One minute, you’re gallivanting across the galaxy, trying to bring balance to the Force. The next, you’ve fallen victim to that indescribably winsome face. Darth Maul is easily the most erotic of the Sith. “easterpodus” 12″x12″ acrylic on canvas panel. The octopus motif was one of my favorites. I don’t know how to describe the mood in this piece though. Zany comes to mind. We’re really hoping that the octopus finds its eggs. “icrossedthestreetinfrontofacyclist” 6″x6″ acrylic on canvas panel. Typical outcome of an encounter with a cyclist in Vienna. One can see the nicely mangled limbs and feel the road rage. We tried doing this with a motorist, but the piece was not fit to see the light of day. “dupliraffes_WHITE” 6″x6″ acrylic on canvas panel. One in a series demonstrating the repeatability of the SIE. We can see the clash of wills much like in the first olympics. Now? The clash is between man and machine. A machine of his own creation. So, is this then the clash of a man’s will with his own will? “dupliraffes_WHACK” 6″x6″ acrylic on canvas panel. One in a series demonstrating the repeatability of the SIE. We can see the clash of wills much like in the first olympics. Now? The clash is between man and machine. A machine of his own creation. So, is this then the clash of a man’s will with his own will? “dupliraffes_BLACK” 6″x6″ acrylic on canvas panel. One in a series demonstrating the repeatability of the SIE. We can see the clash of wills much like in the first olympics. Now? The clash is between man and machine. A machine of his own creation. So, is this then the clash of a man’s will with his own will?